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June 2024

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The Role of Digital Forensics in Child Pornography Cases

The Role of Digital Forensics in Child Pornography Cases

In a child pornography case, the prosecution often relies heavily on digital forensic evidence to build a compelling case against the accused individual (or defendant). However, defendants can raise several legal defenses to challenge any evidence – including forensic evidence – that the prosecution introduces. If you are currently facing a child pornography charge, it’s essential that you speak with a qualified child pornography defense attorney in your area as soon as possible. Your lawyer…

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Defense Strategies for Those Accused of
 Possessing Child Pornography

Defense Strategies for Those Accused of
 Possessing Child Pornography

Child pornography possession is an extremely serious offense that can lead to high penalties and collateral consequences upon conviction. If you are currently facing one of these charges, you need to consult with a skilled child pornography defense attorney in your jurisdiction right away. Your lawyer can determine if you may be eligible to raise a legal defense at your court trial. If so, your attorney can argue that defense on your behalf and pursue…

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Understanding the Penalties for Child Pornography Charges

Understanding the Penalties for Child Pornography Charges

Child pornography charges and convictions are extremely serious, as are the potential consequences. If you are currently facing a child porn charge, it’s essential that you have knowledgeable legal representation in your corner throughout your case. An experienced child pornography defense attorney can determine your options and help you obtain the best possible result. Schedule A Free Consultation What are the Legal Elements of a Child Pornography Charge? Child pornography charges are serious offenses that…

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What You Need to Know about Federal Probation Violations

What You Need to Know about Federal Probation Violations

An individual may be charged with violating their federal probation if they fail to report to their probation officer, fail to undergo drug testing, or violate some other probation condition. If you are currently facing a charge of a federal probation violation, it’s essential that you consult with a skilled federal criminal defense lawyer right away. Your lawyer can review the charge with you and determine your legal options for moving forward. Your lawyer can…

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