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Is Tampering with Evidence a Felony in Ohio?

Is Tampering with Evidence a Felony in Ohio?

Tampering with evidence is a felony in Ohio. If you have been charged with this crime, you could face years of imprisonment and/or thousands of dollars in fines. Ohio Revised Code § 2921.12 defines tampering with evidence as destroying, altering, concealing, or removing anything that could be used in the investigation or prosecution of an alleged crime. It also involves providing false documents, objects, or other items to impede a criminal investigation or prosecution. For…

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What Happens If You Violate a Domestic Violence Protection Order?

If a court grants a request for a domestic violence protection order, the alleged offender may be limited on who they can contact, where they can go, and what they can do. Recklessly violating the terms of a protection order is either a misdemeanor or a felony. A conviction can result in the individual being at risk of criminal penalties in addition to the ones that could be imposed for the underlying DV offense. What…

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What Is the Bulk Amount of Drugs in Ohio?

If you have been accused of a drug crime in Ohio, you might have come across the term “bulk amount.” For instance, the law on drug possession says that it is a third-degree felony to have over the bulk amount of a Schedule I or II drug but no more than five times the bulk amount. But what exactly does this phrase mean? And how can it affect your case and the criminal charges you…

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What Is the Age of Consent in Ohio?

What Is the Age of Consent in Ohio?

“Age of consent” refers to the minimum age a person must be for their agreement to engage in sexual conduct with someone else to be lawful. In other words, when it is legally okay for them to say yes to having sex with an adult. Reach out to a Cleveland sex crimes lawyer. A common misconception is that the age of consent is always 18. However, the laws differ throughout the country, and in Ohio,…

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