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September 2023

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Drug Possession Charges

Drug Possession Charges

Many states across the U.S. have relaxed their laws against drug possession, though Ohio is not one of them. It maintains strict laws against possessing controlled substances, including marijuana possession without a medical card. Law enforcement continues to arrest people every day for alleged drug possession, and prosecutors issue criminal charges of varying degrees. Depending on the circumstances, drug possession can result in a misdemeanor or felony charge, and the penalties can also vary widely…

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What Are Your Rights During a DUI Stop?

What Are Your Rights During a DUI Stop?

Seeing the blinking red and blue lights of a police car in your rear-view mirror will always unnerve you, especially if you recently had something alcoholic to drink. Even if you are completely sober, police officers might suspect you were drinking and question you about the matter. If a police officer pulls you over, they may ask you for certain information, but they cannot violate your legal or constitutional rights. If they do, and you…

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