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Cincinnati Vandalism Attorney

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Facing Vandalism Charges in Ohio?

Vandalism Defense in Cincinnati - Man with Spray Paint on Wall

A vandalism charge can be hard to fight without the right attorney on your side. All vandalism charges are considered felonies and the accused do not receive much graciousness from the court. A Cincinnati vandalism lawyer can give you the edge in the courtroom when it comes to protecting your name and your rights.

Vandalism charges in Ohio that go undefended can result in thousand-dollar fines and jail time. Call (440) 471-7784 to speak with our firm.

Experience with Vandalism ORC Charges

There are several categories of vandalism, and the team at Patituce & Associates has experience with most of them. The consequences and defense strategies vary depending on the type of vandalism, so it is important to understand your charge in order to properly fight them.

  • Vandalism charges can be categorized as:
  • Car vandalism: Many people do not realize that this charge extends beyond defacing a car. Obstructing roads, or throwing objects out of a moving car, can also be charged as vehicular vandalism.
  • Railroad vandalism: Causing damage to railroad equipment is surprisingly common. As it impedes public safety, courts take the charges very seriously.
  • Private property vandalism: The most difficult aspect of these cases is dealing with the property owner, who will vehemently demand justice from the court.

Vandalism in the fifth degree, the lowest level vandalism offense, can result in six to eight months in prison and up to $2,500 in fines. For a conviction of vandalism in the third degree, which involves harm to property valued at $150,000 or more, the penalties are up to five years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

Do Not Go to Court Without Dedicated Defense. Call (513) 224-5084!

As proven Cincinnati vandalism, lawyers, our job is to defend the freedom of our clients and uphold their best interests. You deserve to have someone speaking on your behalf and advocating for your rights. Our Cincinnati vandalism attorneys treat these cases with the same attention and commitment they would a DUI or assault charge. The charges against you are serious, and your defense should treat them as such.

We aggressively defend our clients from vandalism charges throughout Ohio, including for minors. Call (440) 471-7784 to discuss your case with Patituce & Associates.